I am depressed is most easily used statement. We say we are depressed like we say we are hungry. But in some of us being depressed is more serious and is one of the most common mental health issues that need attention of an expert. When you feel you need help or you realise your friends need help, learn to accept the seriousness and seek help. Do not try to deal with it on your own. It may not always help.
How do you know you are depressed?
- Feeling of helplessness
- Guilt
- Anger
- Withdrawal from friends and family
- Lack of concentration
- Thoughts of death
- Changes in appetite
- Energy loss
- Sleep issues
- Alcohol and drug addiction
- Prolonged bouts of sadness
Things to do when you feel anxious or depressed:
Seek help
Inculcate a healthy lifestyle
Hang out with people you like
Eat healthy food
Stay hydrated
Avoid too much news and social media
Sleep on time
Focus on self-care
Exercise, it induces happy hormones into your brain
Consult an expert
Things to know:
You cannot snap out of depression
It is not the same thing as sadness
It is an illness that needs treatment
Do not indulge in self-medication
Do not seek advice from all and sundry
Did you know?
Food like bananas, dark chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits etc. are known to have invigorating and anti-depressant properties
Aromatherapy is a mood lifter. Surrounding yourself with good smells will help you when you are feeling low
How you can help?
Show empathy
Try and understand
Stay in touch
Do not give advice unless you are trained
Do things together that can make him happy
You can make a difference just by being around
For full article: https://fridaywall.wordpress.com/2020/10/04/world-mental-health-month/