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Gandhi on celluloid: Some of the Best Movies

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Sir Richard had put his heart and soul in the making of the film. Some of the images are still vivid in memory. “Gandhi” finally swept the Oscars in 1983 with eight Oscars. This film remains a seminal film on Gandhi even today!

Mahesh Babu said it is too good!

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SP is one of the few who doesn’t miss a chance to pay homage and tribute to his guru, the late Mandolin U Srinivas every year on his death anniversary. This year too DSP gave a dream tribute to his guru by orchestrating one of his compositions

Notoriously Note Worthy: ‘RBG’ (Netflix)

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"Constitution said “we the people” – understand that We the PEOPLE change over time, according to current times, now the people include all, men, women, colored, gay, abled or disabled etc. understand people and respect their choices" - RBG

DSP’s dream come true

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On September 19, DSP’s dream turned into reality as he released this piece of music which he says is ‘Guru’s Composition, Shishya’s orchestration titled ‘LEGACY’ from the album ‘Annayya’.

‘RadhaKrishn’ crosses 500 episodes

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Most of us are familiar with the story of Radha and Krishna – their sublime, sacred love filled with bhakti bhava. Jayadeva in his 'Gita Govinda' extolled this spiritual love. His ashtapadis are sung even today and form an integral part of dance forms like Odissi and Bharatanatyam.