Prisha Singh is debuting in Telugu with Buddy movie opposite Allu Sirish. The film is produced by KE Gnanavel Raja and Adhana Gnanavel Raja under the Green Films banner and is directed by Sam Anton, with Neha Gnanavel Raja as the co-producer. “Buddy” is a youthful love entertainer gearing up for a grand theatrical release on July 26.
Heroine Prisha Rajesh Singh who shared amazing pics from her recent photo shoot had shared, “I feel lucky to have the opportunity to debut as a heroine in a big production like Studio Green. Thanks to director Sam Anton for giving me this chance. Sirish is a wonderful co-star, and it was a pleasure working with him. Sirish plays Captain Adityaram in the movie, and I find Adityaram cuter than Sirish. Everyone will enjoy ‘Buddy.’ Watch it in theaters and share your thoughts.”
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