Notoriously Note Worthy: ‘RBG’ (Netflix)
"Constitution said “we the people” – understand that We the PEOPLE change over time, according to current times, now the people include all, men, women, colored, gay, abled or disabled etc. understand people and respect their choices" - RBG
How do you find a Soul Mate?
A soul mate is the one who brings the best out of you
A peek into Andaleeb’s world of book
A conversation with her turned out to be fun and exciting as she offers a sneak peek into her world of writing
More on life…
Arlene Heyman, in her book of short stories, ‘Scary Old Sex’ dwells deeper into the minds of people, prying open their thoughts on relationships and the role of sex within the complexities of human relations
The other side of the last queen of India
The book ‘The Last Queen of India’ by Michelle Moran narrates the most popular history of Rani Lakshmi Bai in a new light
The Legend of Harperlee
What makes Harper Lee one of the greatest authors of our times, and this despite the fact that all she has to... Read More